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The Merry Man Horoscopes

Weekly Horoscope 21st October - 27th October 

We are proud to present to you our weekly horoscope by The Merry Man. Little is known of this mysterious astrologer, primarily due to his desires for secrecy. We honestly don’t know much, and the little we do, we have sworn never to tell. We are however extremely lucky to have him as our resident astrologer. Watch this space, there is much more to come from this fascinating individual. As for the codes at the end of each horoscope? Nobody knows!


“The heavenly gold which guides us home”

21st March – 19th April


The courage we have shown has carried us through the impediments of life. Our drive to succeed has never wavered, and now we must accept the challenge before us. Be wary of those who test our principles. Our strength shall shine as we go against the grain. Such conformity only stifles our progression, for the creative mind thrives in freedom. Never shy away from conflict, Aries, for solutions are born from such disagreements. Our intuition shall be called upon, and we must rise to meet it. DD 842 851

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20th April – 20th May

“The Mask of Gods made holy by the sands"


The obstacles of life shall always litter our path until we learn to outmanoeuvre them. These are our tests, Taurus. Nobody said enlightenment would come without struggle. As the complications begin to fade, we shall soon reap the rewards of our steadfast loyalties. Our optimism shall soon be validated, allowing us to relish the fruit of our labour. We cannot do everything alone, nevertheless, we shall find freedom when we release our woe. Another shall extend their hand, presenting us with valuable opportunities of growth. The truth shall soon be revealed, guiding us toward the discoveries of purpose. Ultimately, we hold the power to manifest our dreams. WB 03 384

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“Reunited in the Heavens of everlasting love”

21st May – 20th June


Beneath the stones of time, discoveries await. Solitude brings moments of clarity, yet solutions cannot thrive amidst chaos. Energy is as precious as time itself. We must practice what we preach. The tests are many, but our will is unyielding. Though the disheartened mind achieves little, the light draws ever closer. Resist the urge to shy away—patience rewards the weary traveller. Confide in others, for we are blessed by the circle. What lies in our heart must be spoken. Make the move, Gemini; our ascension is foreseen. FW 47 282

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“The eternal protector, blessed by the hand of Gods”

21st June – 22nd July


Where to go from here, Cancer, is ours to decide. We are the architects of our destiny in this realm. A gift shall soon be offered, one that changes the course entirely. But remember—communication is the key. Nothing shall change if we remain silent, especially while the masses cling to the status quo. We are being tested, yet our unique vibrations attract another. Inspirations shall flourish. Our strength shall guide us, for our soul is pure and knows what must be done. Surrender the apprehensions of old; we are on a new path now. As we redefine our desires, we shall accomplish great things. HT 480 32

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“The light of the appointed, the heart of the brave”

23rd July – 22nd August

The waiting game begins; we have shown our hand. The here and now fades, for we know the possibilities that lie ahead. If we avert our eyes from our true selves, then we are in the wrong company. These energies hinder our progression, Leo, nevertheless, everything must end. Fear not the setbacks of life—embrace the knowledge bestowed. Instant gratification yields what is real, and the truth shall be revealed. Our dedication shall be rewarded, yet we must not lose faith in the shared goal. NC 375 634

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“Transcend before me, Mother of fertile dreams”

23rd August – 22nd September

Silence speaks a thousand words. Those who recoil from the truth shall never know enlightenment. The humble path is the way of the wise. Give mercy to the silent few. Lay down our shield, for the battle nears its end, and the Virgo shall emerge victorious. Our efforts deserve the light, for we are worthy of such praise. Small steps now grow into strides. Remember, nothing is set in stone—energies shift with the sands of time. Soon, we shall have the luxury of choice. An unwritten path lies at our discretion. CO 177 04

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“Justice balanced by the essence of love”

23rd September – 22nd October


What's done is done, Libra; our longing for the past shall only hinder the progression we seek. We must redirect our focus towards the energies of new. Trust in our intuition, for it shall be our guiding voice amidst the clamour. Reject those who sow doubt within our minds, as their motives remain hidden. We must have faith in our actions, for the experience we have gained shall serve us well. Others shall join us on this journey, and together we shall carve out strategies for success. Impart our knowledge, and our voice shall resonate over the crowded room. MS 84 92

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“The King of Kings. The Hunter of Hunters”

23rd October – 21st November

The moment to act is now, Scorpio. We have shielded our heart for too long, shying away from what must be done. Change is what we seek, and the move is ours to make. Clarity shall flourish, and the path shall reveal itself. The discovery of self teaches us great things. Such unique qualities we possess shall be appreciated in due time. Our efforts were never futile—our actions shall inspire others, guiding them to correct their own paths. Lessons are learned, and a helping hand shall lead us forward. WR 83 471

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“The eternal gift. For I am the reliever of sorrow"

22nd November – 21st December


Our thoughts shape the pathways before us, for we are the creators of our destiny. Understand this, Archer: the choice is ours to harbour fears, but we must first be willing to let go. What once was shall never be again—why give credence to such negativity? We have given much in these pursuits, and now, our soul shall heal. The discovery of ourselves shall be worth the struggle. Our thoughts are now free to explore new horizons. Soon, we set sail on a new adventure, one that promises the nourishment we so deeply crave. WS 842 939

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“As the sands fall, the gate of the Gods shall rise” 

22nd December 19th January


We cannot control the actions of others, only how we receive their energies. Banish the negative from the mind, for hope shall heal the wounds of old. The world is full of wonder, and the possibilities are limitless for an open heart. Our dreams shall become reality. Successes are already foreseen. The cracks of uncertainty are nearly mended, but there is still much to learn. Seek serenity, and our higher self shall guide us. We have time, Capricorn. Reserve our strength for battles more worthy of our energy. TE 395 28

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“We are the keepers of knowledge, the bearers of dreams”

20th January – 18th February

The moment we resign ourselves to not achieving our goals, we allow negativity to dominate our thoughts. Our aim must be high; resist the urge to settle. The drive to succeed keeps our dreams alive. The search has taken us far and wide, yet the truth is that what we seek is closer to home. Seek solace in a friend, for they understand our needs. We are not here to be validated, and the tests of others are futile, Aquarius. Instead, we are here to explore the realms of self. Happiness awaits when we shed the burdens of the past. BU 20 59

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“A tale of two tails bound together with eternal love”

19th February – 20th March

The pursuit of freedom weighs heavily on the mind. To stretch our creative wings and fly, we must first relinquish our fears. Previous hurdles were of our own making, nevertheless, now we realise that we hold the key to such change. The possibilities are endless, Pisces. The words are still unwritten. Success is not measured in gold but in the simple appreciations of life. Give thanks, for soon we embark on a different journey. This shall test us. This shall be an opportunity to rediscover ourselves. Nevertheless, the question remains: What do we truly desire? TR 05 938

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